Local Sponsors
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Akka TechnologiesDepuis 25 ans, AKKA Technologies, groupe européen d’Ingénierie et de Conseil en Technologies, accompagne ses clients dans leur quête d’innovation et de productivité. L’offre AKKA Technologies s’articule autour de 2 métiers : Informatique & Systèmes et Ingénierie, ce qui lui permet d’être présent sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie du produit.
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ArtalDepuis 1998, ARTAL développe des systèmes informatiques complexes et propose des prestations d’ingénierie pour le compte de clients de l’aéronautique, du spatial, de la défense, de l’aviation civile ou du secteur public. La diversité de nos solutions couvre les systèmes de gestion de satellites, des simulateurs distribués, des systèmes d’informations ou encore des services téléphoniques exploitant le GNSS pour le guidage de piétons,…
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ekitoekito is a software engineering and consulting firm :
ekito's expertise is the sum of individual expertise, shared and centralized to maximize added delivered value. |
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IBM Rational SoftwareIBM Rational solutions help organizations achieve their business goals. Rational software enables organizations to automate and integrate the core business process of software development. Rational products, services, and best practices power the IBM Software Development Platform, the premier platform for teams who discover, develop, and deploy software assets in business applications, embedded systems, and software products. This modular and complete solution enables teams to adopt a business-driven, collaborative development approach based on open standards, including the Eclipse open source framework and Jazz. |
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Thierry Cros Organisation |
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ValiantysVALIANTYS is a consulting company specialized in software test and validation and ALM tools deployment. We operate both in the field of information systems as computer technology and our aim is to support our customers throughout the software development cycle through consulting services, expertise, training and engineering. We are focus on definition, optimization and industrialization of development processes and software testing. VALIANTYS is one of the 5 main partners of Atlassian, an Australian company and has developed a very high value-added solutions around JIRA and CONFLUENCE. Today VALIANTYS is based in Toulouse, Paris and Madrid and makes nearly 10% of its turnover abroad. Among its customers include companies such as BNP Paribas, Michelin, SFR, European Commission, AIRBUS, PEUGEOT, GENERALI, etc... |
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ValtechAbout the VALTECH group Established in 1993, Valtech is today a key e-business player. Present internationally, the Valtech group accompanies its customers in the design and execution of innovative e-business projects, by applying the Agile methods and by bringing out the best in its technical, creative and business experts. Listed on the Eurolist of Euronext, Valtech employs 1130 persons throughout the world (United States, Europe and Asia) and had a turnover of 100.6 millions euros in 2008. Renowned for consulting in e-business, technologies and management, as well as training on the Agile methods and innovative techniques of software development, Valtech has prestigious references, such as: Airbus, ANPE, Alcatel, BMW , BNP, Club Mediterranée, Crédit Agricole SA, Darty, Dassault Aviation, EDF, France Telecom, GDF-Suez, Kuoni, La Banque Postale, La Poste, Louis Vuitton, Manpower, Orange, Rail Europe, RTE, Société Générale, Sony Ericsson, Thales, Travelocity,.... |
Institutional Sponsors
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Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Toulouse |
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La Mêlée |
Logistical Sponsors
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IUT BlagnacAttached to the University of Toulouse Le Mirail, the “Institut Universitaire de Technologie” (IUT) has existed since 1995 on the Blagnac site.
TrainingThe “Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie” (DUT) is obtained after a course of higher education 2 years after the baccalauréat (or equivalent). The Professional degree is obtained within one year after 2 years post baccalauréat. The CouncilThe ITU is headed by a Principal, elected for 5 years by a council composed of outside experts, representatives of teachers, non-teaching staff and students. The council which is chaired by an industrialist, sets the guidelines and approves the budget. |
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University Toulouse II - Le MirailThe University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, founded in 1229, has a long tradition of humanism and disciplinary openness. The main University departments are "Arts, Humanities and Languages," Human and Social Sciences, "Science, Technology and Health." In 1984, Savary's law gives him its existing structures: three Councils and Units of Training and Research. Since then, its numbers have almost doubled from 14,000 students in 1984, it now goes to more than 24000. |
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ooCubeooCube assists and advises clients in corporate communication and web related projects. Composed of experts in technology, ooCube offers a full range of services. We attach a close relationship with an available and responsive team. We link experience field, achievement routine, need knowledge and ability to convert it into a dedicated service for your business. |