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Location and access

IFSIC Campus de Beaulieu 263, avenue du Général Leclerc CS 74205 35042 RENNES CEDEX Téléphone : 02 99 84 71 00 Fax : 02 99 84 71 71 How to get to IFSIC

Find IFSIC with Google Maps

Zoom onto the main entrance of IFSIC with Google Earth

Find IFSIC on the 3D model of Rennes : Rennes Citévision

Detailed map of Beaulieu campus

Access by bus : lines 16 and 40 (get off at "Tournebride" for the southen entrance to the campus) allow wheelchair access (the buses are equipt with retractable ramps).


By road

Arriving from Paris on the motorway,
take the exit towards "Rennes-Centre", follow the signs to "Campus de Beaulieu".
The university campus is on your right as you enter the town.

Coming from the city centre,
follow the river towards Cesson-Sévigné/Laval. The campus is on your left after a few kilometres.

How to get there :
Enter "allée Henri Poincaré" on Mappy , the circle is approximately level with IFSIC.

By train

You can get to Rennes by TGV from Paris, Lille et Lyon (around 1 TGV every 30 minutes from Paris, journey time around 2h).

From the train station, take the underground (métro), towards Kennedy, and get off at the station "République".
The bus stop for lines 16 and 40 is on your right when getting out of the lift.
Take the No. 16 or 40 up to the stop "Tournebride", cross the road, and you are in the campus.
NB: your underground ticket is valid for the whole journey (métro + bus).
Bus and underground maps and information.

By air

For flight information, go to the Rennes airport website.
Bus N° 57 up to "République", then take the 16 or the 40 towards Beaulieu.