Gold Sponsors
Nokia Siemens Networks
Nokia Siemens Networks is an industry leader with a solutions-based product and service portfolio that is designed to help its customers master the challenges of converging networks, technologies and services. With a world-class fixed, mobile and services portfolio and global capabilities, Nokia Siemens Networks has unmatched breadth in the communications industry: This is a considerable source of strength, giving us an excellent platform on which to engage with current and potential customers.
Silver Sponsors
The Cybercom Group is a consultancy that offers global delivery for international business. Access to the latest technologies enables Cybercom to help customers benefit from new business opportunities.
Cybercom in China designs and implements global solutions for local customer projects. We provide customer-oriented, cost-effective software development and testing services. Our operations in China are directed at the top companies in the telecommunications and industrial sectors.
UPerform is the leader in Scrum and Agile training and consulting in China and surrounding regions. All our consultants are with extensive experiences and very importantly, good management and organizational insights into challenging agile transition and various sizes of development projects.
Chengdu Scrum User Group
Scrum Chengdu User Group, a local SCRUM community in Chengdu and has more than
60 members from companies in Chengdu area, such as Nokia Siemens Networks
Cybercom , Teito , Teleca , Motorola etc. This group was established in Apr. 2009. The main purpose of the community is to exchange SCRUM practice experiences and promote SCRUM adoption in software organizations.
- 王林川(Wang LinChuan: linchuan.wang@gmail.com)
- 王玘(Angela Wang: angela1225.wang@nsn.com)
- 刘凯: (Rocker Liu: rocker.liu@gmail.com)
- 邹骏: (Chris Zou: leozzero@gmail.com)
- 罗格林(Green Luo: greenlaw110@gmail.com) (not active now)